

The Vision of the Society for Experiential Education is the establishment of effective methods of experiential education as fundamental to the development of the knowledge, skills and attitudes that empower learners and promote the common good.


The mission of the SEE is to cultivate educators who effectively use experiential education as an integral part of personal, professional, civic and global learning.

In pursuit of this mission SEE members work actively to:

Goal 1:   Support the professional development and leaderships skills of educators to advance the vision of the Society;     [Education]
This focus area includes the organizational functions, products and services that cultivate members’ growth and leadership through increased understanding, awareness, knowledge, skills and attitudes related to experiential education.

Goal 2:   Engage in research, and share theory and the application of principles of effective practice;     [Scholarship]
This broad focus area includes the development of work that advances theoretical and practical knowledge (practices, innovations, etc.) and includes the dissemination of work through presentations, publications, and other activities.

Goal 3:   Advocate for the infusion of effective experiential learning throughout the educational system and its value in the community.   [Communication/Networking]
This focus area includes communicating with members and the larger community (i.e. networking at conferences and through regions and special interest groups, web presence and engagement, communication from SEE to members regarding updates, initiatives, news, calls to action, etc.)


(Adopted by the Board of Directors September 28, 2014)