National Society for Experiential Education 2013 42nd Annual Conference September 30 - October 2, 2013
Theme: Creating and Sustaining a Competitive Advantage through Experiential Learning and Assessment
Conference Presentations
- Keynote: The Perfect Storm: Opportunities for Experiential Education - Donna Qualters
- An Assessment System For Evaluating Student Learning Outcomes in Cooperative Education - James E. Colbert, Jr. Lander University
- Internship Assessment: Staff and Faculty Collaboration - Lynn Downie, Presbyterian College
- Partnering with Academic Schools and Departments to Support Experiential Education and Career Development - Mercy O. Azeke, Ed.D.
- Student Case Writing: An Effective Way to Link Classroom Learning to Real-world Experience (proceedings) - Gary Simon, The University of Tampa
- Learning for Life: Importance of Internships for Non-traditional Students - Lynn Brandt, MSE, GCDF, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
- Experiential Learning for a Globalized World -- The Way Forward for NSEE - Jeremy R. Geller, Transitional Learning Consulting; Scott G. Blair, CEA Study Abroad; Ron Kovach, American Public University System; Jill Burya, Columbia University; Jesus Diaz Vidal, Seville; Al Cabral, (retired) Nazareth College
The NSEE Awards Luncheon Sponsored by Northwestern Mutual
NSEE Outstanding Experiential Education Program Award CEA Global Education - Academic-Integrated Cultural Activities Program (AICAP)
NSEE Outstanding Experiential Education Research Award Shara Lee, Ed.D., Valencia College
NSEE's Experiential Education Rising Leader Award Alan Grose, Ph.D., The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars
William M. Burke Presidential Award for Excellence in Experiential Education College of St. Benedict President Dr. MaryAnn Baenninger