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Experiential Education for a Connected World 

Conference Dates: Monday, September 8 - Wednesday, September 10, 2025.
Location: Hilton Fallsview - 6361 Fallsview Blvd, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada L2G 3V9

In an increasingly interconnected world, experiential education is essential for equipping individuals to navigate and contribute to diverse, global environments.

The Society for Experiential Education (SEE) 54th Annual Conference, "Experiential Education for a Connected World," delves into how community engaged/service-learning, work-integrated learning, research, and other experiences can bridge geographical and cultural divides.

These immersive learning opportunities not only enhance cross-cultural understanding but also cultivate local and global citizenship and foster collaboration. By integrating hands-on learning with real-world challenges, this conference emphasizes the pivotal role of experiential education in creating more interconnected communities and an inclusive world.

Presentation Format

Presenters are requested to provide their preferred presentation format on the application form. Since a limited number of session and roundtable spaces are available, all requests will be taken into consideration, but preferences cannot be guaranteed. Submission of a proposal constitutes your willingness to accept and abide by the final decision of the Conference Committee.

Breakout Sessions are 60-minute interactive presentations followed by discussion and questions. Preference will be given to sessions that actively engage participants and reflect a depth and breadth of experience. Please articulate clearly in your proposal how you plan to actively engage the audience.

Roundtables are two, 25-minute interactive discussions (within a 60-minute timeslot), held at roundtables and led by the presenter(s). Presenters will give the same presentation twice within the 60-minutes. After 25 minutes of presentation, attendees will be asked to select another table and topic. The sessions are informal in nature and are intended to promote insights and conversation among participants.  Roundtables normally accommodate no more than 8 to 10 people. Multiple roundtables will be conducted in the same room. Please articulate clearly in your proposal how you plan to actively engage the audience.

Lightning Rounds are a quickfire introduction of an idea by a single presenter without audience discussion, ideally between 8-10 minutes. Up to five, short talks are scheduled in one concurrent session, in sequence, to offer attendees numerous, shallow forays into critical topics. A moderator will offer opening remarks, as well as work with presenters to organize a thoughtful order of topics presented, and to ensure smooth, timed transitions between topics. 

Poster Sessions (New for 2025) provide an opportunity for presenters to showcase their research, projects, or innovations in a visual format, facilitating one-on-one discussions with attendees. Posters should clearly communicate key objectives, methodology, findings, and takeaways. Submissions must include a title, abstract, presenter details, and relevance to the conference theme. Accepted posters will receive guidelines on display setup prior to the event.

Conference Proposal Review

Proposals will be peer-reviewed by the 2025 SEE Conference Planning Committee & Board of Directors. Review teams will then evaluate proposals based on the following criteria:

Clarity: The title and abstract clearly describe the session. The proposal is well written, and it is clear what the session will be like for conference attendees.

Relevance: the topic is current and relevant to experiential education, the conference theme and/or tracks and the conference audience.

Outcomes: Outcomes are clear, specific, and relevant.

Interactivity (Breakout Sessions and Roundtables Only): Activities, deliverables, and take-aways are clearly stated and appropriate for the proposed session type (i.e., interactive session, roundtable discussion).

Engagement (Lightning Round Only): Strategies for engaging the audience (i.e., hook, humor, etc.) to capture and keep the audience’s attention throughout the Lightning Round presentation.


  • 60-Minute Interactive Breakout Session
  • 25-Minute Roundtables (presented twice within 60-minute time slot.)
  • 8-10-Minute Lightning Rounds
  • Poster Sessions
  • Experiential Learning Foundations
  • Best Practice
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • Faculty/Staff Development
  • Institutional Implementation
  • Innovation & Scholarship
  • Research in EE
  • Leadership/Partnerships
  • Technology

Areas of Interest

  • Active Learning in the Classroom
  • Assessment, Evaluation, & Reflection
  • Career Development
  • Cross Cultural Awareness
  • Internships/Cooperative Education
  • Study Away
  • Faculty Development
  • K-12 Education
  • Service Learning
The Call for Proposals is now closed.  Thank you to those who submitted a proposal.

All presenters are required to register for the full conference. Additional Information on conference registration and hotel rates will be available by May 2025.

Please see below registration rates:

Registration Category Early Bird Fee (USD) Fee (USD)
Member $600.00 $650.00
Non-Member - $900.00
Student $300.00 $350.00
Retired Faculty $300.00 $350.00
Daily Rate - Member $450.00 $475.00
Daily Rate - Non-Member -  $525.00
Guest Awards Luncheon Ticket $100.00