National Society for Experiential Education 2014 43rd Annual Conference September 29 - October 1, 2014
Theme: Civic Engagement & Global Learning for the 21st Century
The 2014 Conference Program
Conference Presentations
- Closing the Loop: Outcomes Assessment in Co-Operative Education & Handouts - James E. Colbert, Jr., Ph.D.
Be the Change You Wish to See in the World: Looking at a Strengths-Based Approach to Global Internships One Year Later - Buerkett-Vivian and Merson
Beyond the Pub: Notre Dame's Community-Based Learning in Europe - Bill Purcell and Rosie McDowell
Creating Successful Partnerships for Global Civic Engagement Through Volunteer Abroad Programs - Jarrett Jobe, PhD and Theresa Higgs
Poverty Simulation: Enhancing Experiential Education for Health Professions Students - Cheryl Clarke, R.Ph. and Renee Sedlacek, M.A.
Service-Learning Faculty and Community Development - Mindi B. Levin, MS, CHES and Elizabeth Doerr, MA
Students' Perspectives on Unpaid Internships - Erica Ely and Erin Rooney-Eckel
The CUNY Service Corps: Utilizing Experiential Learning Strategies to Create Program Culture - Rachel Stephenson and Melissa Fernandez
The Floating Classroom: Best Practices Teaching on Semester at Sea - Vaughn
Campus Collaborations: Tools for Harnessing Campus Resources to Promote Effective Preparation & Facilitation of the Internship Experience - Jessica R. Braunstein-Minkove & Jaime R. DeLuca
- Using Internships to Integrate Liberal Arts and Professional Programs - Emily Carpenter
- Making Study Abroad Experiences Experiential - Melanie McCallon Seib
- Maximizing the Potential for Experiential Learning Abroad - Ana Martinez Fernandez, PhD, CEA & Stephanie Shaker Sullivan, MS
- Innovative Movement and Music Strategies for the Classroom and handout - Kira Omelchenko, D.M.A. & Susannah LeMarquand, Assistant Professor
Attendee List as of 9/26/2014
The NSEE Awards Luncheon Sponsored by Northwestern Mutual
NSEE Outstanding Experiential Education Research/Dissertation Award Aaron D. Clevenger, Ed.D. - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
NSEE Outstanding Leader in Experiential Education: Community-Based Organization Award Maryland-DC Campus Compact
John S. Duley Lifetime Achievement Award Garry Hesser, Augsburg College
William M. Burke Presidential Award for Excellence in Experiential Education Dr. John Bowen, Chancellor - Johnson & Wales University
NSEE wishes to thank the Maryland-DC Campus Compact for their MDCCC AmeriCorps VISTA volunteers