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Welcome to the Society for Experiential Education

Founded in 1971, the Society for Experiential Education (SEE) is the premier, nonprofit membership organization composed of a global community of researchers, practitioners, and thought leaders who are committed to the establishment of effective methods of experiential education as fundamental to the development of the knowledge, skills and attitudes that empower learners and promote the common good. SEE sustains a great variety of experiential learning opportunities, such as internships, micro-experiences, service learning, global experience, and more. The Society’s vision is to expand the perspectives shared and voices heard throughout our growing profession so that they are representative of the practitioners and students in the field of experiential education.

Attend SEE's 54th Annual Conference


Learn More About SEE's Annual Conference

Join a Global Community of Experiential Educators

SEE's Experiential Education Campus Leadership Network (CLN) supports professionals who lead or coordinate experiential education for their institution. Leaders may not have obvious peers on their campuses, and the CLN provides a network of peers who are doing comparable work and facing similar challenges. The CLN is an optional special interest group that can be added to an SEE membership, and it provides exciting opportunities connect with peers at other institutions and shape the future direction of the Network.

Join the Experiential Education Campus Leaders Network

Experiential Education Academy (EEA)

A key component of SEE’s mission is to enhance the professional development of its members. Another component of the mission is to be the national leader in advancing experiential education as a field and a profession. To accomplish both aspects of this mission, SEE offers the Experiential Education Academy, often referred to as the EEA or the Academy. Since its inception, several hundred faculty and staff from dozens of institutions, schools, and organizations have completed the EEA certification. 

Learn More About the EEA

Read the Latest Issue of Experiential Learning & Teaching in Higher Education (ELTHE)


Read the Current & Past Issues of ELTHE