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 Call for Proposals: Information & Guidelines

Conference Theme: Hindsight is 20/20: Using Reflection for Assessment, Program Excellence, and Student Success

Monday, September 21 – Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Hilton Salt Lake City Center | Salt Lake City, Utah

Proposal Submission Deadline
January 24, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. EST

“Hindsight is 2020: Using Reflection for Assessment, Program Excellence, and Student Success” encourages proposals to explore the critical role reflection plays both inside and outside the classroom to inform student learning, course objectives, program excellence, institutional planning, and more. The theme encourages sessions to reflect on our own research and practices and in doing so, share innovative solutions, strategies, and resources that attendees can implement in their own institutions.

This conference will provide opportunities for all levels of experiential education practitioners and researchers to share their successes and innovations, to pose questions, to solve problems, and to identify new directions for experiential education through interactive sessions, roundtable discussions, and PechaKucha presentations. 

We encourage you to structure your proposal around experiential education areas of interest, including (but not limited to) active learning in the classroom, assessment, career development, cross-cultural awareness, education abroad, faculty development, internships/co-operative education, K-12 education, and service learning. Your proposal should also fit within one or more of the following conference tracks:

  • Experiential Learning Foundations
  • Best Practices in Experiential Education
  • Institutional Implementation
  • Faculty Development
  • Technology/Innovation
  • Leadership/Partnerships
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Research in Experiential Education

All proposals must be submitted electronically by using the online proposal submission link that is provided below.  Incomplete proposals or improperly formatted proposals will not be considered.

Proposals will be peer-reviewed by the 2020 NSEE Conference Planning Committee. Review teams will then evaluate proposals based on the following criteria: 

  • Clarity: The title and abstract clearly describe the session. The proposal is well written and it is clear what the session will be like for conference attendees.
  • Relevance: The topic is current and relevant to experiential education, the conference theme and/or tracks and the conference audience.
  • Outcomes: Outcomes are clear, specific, and relevant.
  • Interactivity (Sessions / Roundtables Only): Activities, deliverables, and take-aways are clearly stated and appropriate for the proposed session type (i.e., interactive session, roundtable discussion). Please refer to session type descriptions.
  • Engagement (PechaKucha Only): Strategies for engaging the audience (e.g., hook, humor, etc.) to capture and keep the audience’s attention are provided throughout the PechaKucha presentation.

Presenters are requested to provide their preferred presentation format on the application form. Since a limited number of session and roundtable spaces are available, all requests will be taken into consideration, but preferences cannot be guaranteed. Submission of a proposal constitutes your willingness to accept and abide by the final decision of the Conference Committee.

Sessions are 60-minute interactive presentations followed by discussion and questions. Preference will be given to sessions that actively engage participants and reflect a depth and breadth of experience. Please articulate clearly in your proposal how you plant to actively engage the audience.

Roundables are two, 25-minute interactive discussions (within a 60-minute timeslot), held at roundtables and led by the presenter(s). Presenters will give the same presentation twice within the 60-minutes. After 25 minutes of presentation, attendees will be asked to select another table and topic. The sessions are informal in nature and are intended to promote insights and conversation among participants.  Roundtables normally accommodate no more than 8 to 10 people. Multiple roundtables will be conducted in the same room. Please articulate clearly in your proposal how you plan to actively engage the audience.

PechaKucha presentations are fast-paced, multiple speaker formats in which each presenter has 20 slides presented for 20 seconds each for a total presentation length of six minutes and 40 seconds. See https://www.pechakucha.com/ for additional information. Although the PechaKucha model is designed to be a fast-paced presentation, there are still ways to engage the audience. Please articulate clearly in your proposal how you plan to capture the audience’s attention and engage them in your presentation.

Applicants will be notified of the status of their proposal no later than May 22, 2020.  If a proposal has multiple presenters, written correspondence will be sent only to the primary contact. It is the responsibility of the primary contact to disseminate all information regarding the proposal to all presenters.

The abstract submitted in the template section of the Proposal Application may be used by NSEE to promote the Annual Conference. NSEE reserves the right to edit abstracts for publication in the conference program and advertising materials.

Presenters have the option and are highly encouraged to submit an electronic copy of their presentation and/or handout materials which will be provided for attendees in the conference app and posted on the conference website. 

Once the program schedule has been finalized, changes cannot be made. While situations may arise that might cause a presenter to cancel his/her presentation, NSEE encourages presenters to seek every possible alternative, including finding a substitute or co-presenter, prior to making a decision to withdraw from the conference. In the event that a presenter must cancel, written notification must be submitted to NSEE at the presenter’s earliest opportunity. Failure to do so may result in non-acceptance of future program proposals.  

All presenters are required to register for the full conference. Information on conference registration fees and hotel rates will be available at www.nsee.org by mid-May 2020.  Discounts are available for campus teams of 5 or more.