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 Subject : Re:Re:Re:Experiential Learning Reflection Prompts.. 10/17/2023 02:03:00 PM 
Lorrie Brown
Posts: 2
Hi everyone,

Although I uploaded our reflection prompts, I don't know how to access files on this forum. So if anyone would like me to share our prompts, please email at [email protected].

Lorrie Brown
 Subject : Re:Re:Experiential Learning Reflection Prompts.. 10/12/2023 02:27:06 PM 
Tuli Chatterji
Posts: 1
Hi Chase, Abby, and all, thank you for sharing your thoughts.

My college just launched an Office of Global and Experiential learning and few of our goals are designing a EL rubric, EL pedagogy, assessment.. Would love to hear your thoughts (links to college websites and programs) in designing a programmatic approach to EL in a community college.

I was not able to access the reflection rubric attachment in the previous post.
Many thanks again.
 Subject : Re:Experiential Learning Reflection Prompts.. 10/11/2023 10:27:22 AM 
Roxane Adler Hickey
Posts: 1
At W&M, we just updated our internship course credit standards, which includes some level of reflection, although not exactly a standard for how:

I'll also add a great resource that influences my internship experience reflection coursework and that I highly recommend:

Also happy to chat through what we do if it helps.
 Subject : Re:Experiential Learning Reflection Prompts.. 10/10/2023 05:54:01 PM 
Benjamin Drewry
Posts: 2
Thanks for posting the question Abby. I sent you a direct message with some details of what we do on our campus. I also wanted to share with our larger Experiential Education community a resource that a faculty member in our english department created to teach educators how to teach reflective writing. Feel free to use the resource as you see fit: I like the "Index of Videos and Resources" for quicker access to the resources:

I appreciate the collaboration!
Feel free to email me if you have any other questions at [email protected]
 Subject : Re:Experiential Learning Reflection Prompts.. 10/10/2023 05:42:15 PM 
Benjamin Drewry
Posts: 2
Hi Abby, I wouldn't say we have a standardized approach. It is more based off of the experience type and faculty preferences. Here is a resource that our English department created around "experiential writing" that has a lot of great resources to help faculty / any educator better teach their students to do reflective writing: For a shortcut to the resources see the "index of videos and materials" Feel free to use the material as you see fit. This is a resource we want to share with our ExLearning community.
 Subject : Re:Experiential Learning Reflection Prompts.. 10/10/2023 05:41:12 PM 
Lorrie Brown
Posts: 2
Hi Abby,

We have a set of common reflection prompts that we use at the IUPUI Institute for Engaged Learning scholarship programs, which are related to community engagement, leadership, undergraduate research or internships. We have a scoring rubric and gather each summer to read and score about 100 essays, based on our stated student outcomes. The past few years they were based on criteria from AAC&U's Value Rubrics on Written Communication, Integrative Learning and Civic Engagement (Diversity of Community and Cultures). I have attached it. We also have a summary report if anyone is interested.

 Subject : Re:Experiential Learning Reflection Prompts.. 10/10/2023 05:18:48 PM 
Chase Lesane-Brown
Posts: 1
Hello Abby,
I'm looking forward to meeting you on Zoom this Friday during the Reflection workshop that I am facilitating. I don't see your attachment. You now have my email. If you email it to me, I will gladly take a look at it. In the meantime, I can try to answer your question. Generally speaking, your reflection prompts will vary somewhat depending on the goal of the reflection. We will discuss the types of reflections in the reflection workshop.
 Subject : Experiential Learning Reflection Prompts.. 10/10/2023 03:24:29 PM 
Abby Baker
Posts: 1
I am curious about institutions' approach to providing guidelines for the reflection component of Experiential Learning activities.
Specifically, is it common to use one standard/generalized language reflection prompt for all EE courses/activities, or do these reflection prompts necessitate individual prompts depending on the discipline?

Attached is our reflection rubric.

Thank you so much for any suggestions you may have!
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