SEE Resources
The listserv was started by internship professional Mike True in 1995, and has grown to more than 1500 subscribers worldwide! Mike is now retired from Messiah University, but still provides valuable resources at, including advice on professional skills for students, faculty guidance on academic standards/best practices in internships and employer resources.
 The listserv is now managed by Gina Chase, an Applied Learning and Career Specialist at SUNY Broome Community College. She can be reached at [email protected]
For more information or for others interested in joining, please visit/share:

SEE’s premier publication "Strengthening Experiential Education: A New Era", which was spearheaded by Garry Hesser, is now available for purchase in print or electronically on Amazon.
NSEE Perspectives: Special Issue, Fall 2014 By John S. Duley
NSEE Perspectives is a publication of the National Society for Experiential Education
In this special issue of NSEE Perspectives, founder and past President of NSEE, John S. Duley, refines our understanding of the theory and practice of experiential education by addressing two troublesome issues that research in this field has identified: the meaning of “the common good” within service learning and civic engagement; and the absence of the affective domain within David Kolb’s 1984 learning theory. In this, his most recent publication—Notes from the Margins: Achieving Experiential Education’s Full Potential—NSEE pioneer John Duley provides answers to these questions with intelligence, insight and humanity.
John S. Duley is Professor Emeritus at Michigan State University and lifelong educator. For over fifty years, he has been the leading practitioner, thinker, and shaper of the Experiential Education movement in the United States.
NSEE is pleased and honored to present to its members and friends this special issue of NSEE Perspectives. Preface by Dwight E. Giles, Jr.
Click here for the Special Issue.
SEE Online Resource Library (prepared by the Professional Development Committee 2014)
Purpose: To provide SEE members with academic & shared resources about Experiential Education that can help them acquire knowledge and improve practice.
Structure: The SEE Online Resource Library will be organized into chapters aligned with “Strengthening,” with additional sections aligned with SIGs and current topics of interest.
Main Categories:
- Building Experiential Education into the Mission and Values of your Institution
- Integrating Experiential Ed into the Curriculum; Increasing Faculty Involvement
- Ensuring Quality in Experiential Education
- Establishing Administrative Structures That Fit the Goals of Experiential Education
- Assessment and Evaluation - available soon
- Risk Management - available soon
- Community Colleges - available soon
- Appreciative Inquiry
- Archives – Back issues of the SEE Quarterly and other archival materials
Sub Categories: Within each main category, resources will be organized in this way:
a) Academic Journals & Articles b) Books & Reports c) Press / Media d) Member Resource Exchange e) Professional Organizations