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 Subject : Re:Experiential Learning Ideas for Math Classes.. 11/02/2023 10:22:40 AM 
Katia Maxwell
Posts: 1
Good Morning Charlotte,

In our math program students have two tracks (1) math education or (2) math. The students who go into the traditional math program and are not looking to teach are required to take a two sequence capstone class where they do research into a mathematical topic of their choice. The students essentially use the first semester to identify their topic of interest and begin their research and start to draft their thesis, and the second semester they focus on writing and completing (these are pretty long documents that are written). The students have come up with some pretty interesting topics, from looking at graph theory, the math behind game development, to toipcs associated to the history of mathematics. Not sure if your professor would want to have students do research, but I wanted to share what our math professor does. In addition to their thesis they also do a 45 minute presentation, so part of that first semester class also allows them to practice their presentation skills through short impromptu class activities.

Katia Maxwell
Athens State University
 Subject : Re:Experiential Learning Ideas for Math Classes.. 11/02/2023 10:18:15 AM 
Anastacia Hohrath
Posts: 1
We have a math faculty member who created an Experiential Learning Activity in their Mathematics for Liberal Arts course where the students will:
- Need to find a car and home they wish to purchase
- Look up current interest rates
- Calculate monthly payments
- Calculate overall savings in interest for a 15-year mortgage vs. a 30-year mortgage

I'm not sure if this helps.
 Subject : Experiential Learning Ideas for Math Classes.. 11/02/2023 09:34:42 AM 
Charlotte Palmer
Posts: 1
Good morning everyone!

I have a Math Professor who is very interested in applying experiential learning/education to her courses but is having some trouble thinking of what she can do for students who aren't interested in teaching others. Has anyone done any cool projects/learning in the mathematics field that they would be willing to share?

Charlotte Palmer
Albright College
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